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Sunday, March 8, 2009

Things to do when Arowana is first brought home

Many first time Dragon Fish hobbyist has the fright of their life when the fish die on them, minutes or hours after they are introduced to the new tank at home. Dragon Fish is considered to be a hardy fish but when subject to sudden changes of water condition, it can be fatal. Apart from acquiring healthy fishes from reputable aquarium shop or farm, hobbyist should also take additional measures as follows:

1. Prepare tank with well-aerated over-night water.

This allows the dissipation of chlorine which is harmful to the fish when in excess amount, into the air. Should there be any time constraint in the tank set-up, anti-chlorine solution is available commercially and can be found in most aquarium shop.

2. To maintain a low level of water which is sufficient for the Dragon Fish to swim freely.

When transported, fish are usually stressed and vunerable to diseases the result of an affected immunity system. Low water level prevents the fish from exerting itself and help the fish to rest.
3. Do not use strong filtration system which cause water to be turbulent.

Allow the fish to rest at the bottom of the tank.

4. Use a water heater set at 30 C.

This is to maintain a constant water temperature and to kill bacteria which cannot tolerate that temperature range. Any frequent temperature fluctuation will further subject the fish to stress and can be fatal. Gill curling is often the result of this condition.

5. Very low aeration to maintain constant water temperature.

Though with water heater in placed, high aeration will introduce external air temperature into the water and cause the work of water heater to be ineffective. This should be observed especially when the tank is located in an air-conditioned environment. Do not introduce the Dragon Fish into the tank immediately. Place the bag containing the fish into the tank and allow heat transfer to take place to achieve a same temperature between the water in the bag and the water in the tank. Release the fish into the tank after 15 to 20 minutes.

6. Feeding of food should be done 2-3 days after the Dragon Fish has been introduced to the new tank, when the fish has adapted to the new environment.

The fish is stressed when transported and introduced into a new water condition. The fish will experience poor digestion. Early feeding will further stress the fish and lower the immunity system. Also the uneaten food will foul the water and promote the multiplication of bad bacteria.

7. Overfeeding of food should be avoided.

Once per day will be sufficient. When the fish health is in stable condition after a few weeks, the feeding frequency can be increased to twice per day. Any uneaten food should be scooped out to prevent the fouling of water.
viii) Frequent water change in moderate amount is recommended. 10 to 20 percent water change each week will do. Any greater amount will subject the fish to shock resulting in stress that can be fatal.

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